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8 Ways to Support Your Healing

Writer's picture: Melissa L Watkins: Guidance 311Melissa L Watkins: Guidance 311

You’re only reading this because you resonate with being on a healing journey, wanting to be on a healing journey, or you are diving into a healing journey. You are tired of being traumatized. You are ready to release the emotions, thoughts, and negative energies that have been holding you hostage.

1.     Celebrate the small victories. When you are ready to heal, you begin: consciously or unconsciously. Allow yourself to be proud of and celebrate any achievement to your moving past the old paradigms. So often, we think if we haven’t moved the needle hugely then we haven’t healed. Spoiler Alert! All the movement will happen in small increments, keep going.

2.     Reflection, reflection, reflection…so many feel like they are not making any progress because they have not experienced any relief…the truth is the relief comes in waves and sometimes we miss experiencing the wave because it is subtle, and we integrate it before we have even recognized it. By using a journal consistently, we can see the progression of our journey and how the healing process has slipped into our life, relationships, situations, responses, and attitudes.

3.     Using positive affirmations and Hertz frequency music. Our programming is in our subconscious and to change our thoughts and emotional responses to stimuli, then we have to change the program on which we are running…using positive affirmations at night as we are falling asleep to hertz frequency music, we get the new program in the brain wave state that will produce the changes and have the desired results that we are looking for in our daily lives.

4.     Meditation and Prayer. We are never alone. This thing called human experience is happening at the quantum level and with our God and guides. Taking a few minutes each day to connect in and give thanks and also receive the messages, peace, love, and hope that fills up our cup here in the physical to keep processing and evolving.

5.     Higher Power: whatever your belief system, building a relationship with your guides: angels, ascended masters, and your soul tribe will allow you to receive the unique guidance that you need for your life purpose/mission.

6.     Forgiveness. This frequency allows you to release denser, negative energy that is holding you back. Not letting anyone off the hook, but letting you move onto new, more beneficial relationships and situations in your own life.

7.     Gratitude. This frequency amplifies the vibrational frequency of the universe to bring to you that which you desire. This bypasses the middleman, which is any old negative patterns that you are currently working through and those you may not consciously realize you are holding in your vibration and allow you to elevate your experience.

8.     Allowing Grace and Love in all relationships. This is turning the other cheek. You see what others are doing that is destructive to themselves, you or others, and you allow them to be where they are as you love them. Setting boundaries is the way to stay in this practice and still allow yourself to grow and evolve in the way that is right for you.

Sometimes in embracing all these practices you still feel stuck. And this is where I would like to encourage you to seek help in whatever form you are drawn to and maybe many at once. I would also like to caution you to stick with a program as it can take time to see results. I am not a medical professional and I am not giving medical advice. Please see disclaimer.

Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET®) is one of the next generation – hands on – power energy therapy systems that get the “issues out of your tissues” for good!  Developed at the Center of Being, by Stevan J. Thayer, IET uses the violet angelic energy ray, as brought to us through the nine Healing Angels of the Energy Field, to work directly with your 12 Strand Spiritual DNA.

8 Ways to Support Healing
Build Relationship with God

Melissa L Watkins is the founder of website that features her blog and services. Since 2017, she specializes in teaching you how to connect to your own spiritual gifts, doing Shadow Work. Also, her Facebook following at Melissa L Watkins: Guidance 311, where she provides inspiration and methods to help develop skills to utilize the Law of Attraction and heal traumas, inner child wounding, and connecting to your higher self. She is a Master Instructor-Teacher with Integrated Energy Therapy® and has become Reiki certified Level 2. Her passions are teaching her Evidential Medium Course and Integrated Energy Therapy® certifications: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced levels.


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Nov 02, 2024

Great Melissa! Thank you.


Nov 02, 2024

So wonderfully written! Thank you ❤️


Nov 02, 2024


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