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Living In Love Community

  • 91 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Spiritual Awakening, Empath, Relationship and More! We will help you to use your gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudiance, clairolfaction, and empath abilities, I will help you to answer questions related to love and finances as pertained current circumstances for yourself or others. This is not about future predictions. Free will choice is always in play for yourself and others. However, you can offer guidance based on information provided through spirit. In addition, we will learn to use Tarot and Oracle cards to help gain understanding of events. We will also understand energy and this paradigm shift of consciousness that affects us all. What it is. How to tap into it. Develop your relationship with Spirit. And More! PERFECT FOR Is your Intuition on point? Are you able to "know" what is coming? Do you feel when things are "off? Needing to raise your vibrational frequency to manifest your most authentic life. Building your relationship to your team of guides, ascended masters, and angels. Evolving, Empowering, and Stepping into your Divinity. WHAT'S INCLUDED Information Videos on Current Energies and Teachings Guided Meditations to help you: connect to spirit guides, clear your energy field, raise your frequency, and More! Exclusive Access to me in three Zoom meetings each month: ✨Monthly Message: Channeled Message for the Month ahead! ✨Coaching Call: Intuitive Guidance Monthly, Clarification, Past Life, Dreams, etc. ✨Healing Circle: Energy Reading and group IET session *50% off Individual IET sessions: unlimited use

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4 Plans Available, From $33.33/month

Group Discussion

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Living In Love Community

Living In Love Community

Private8 Members


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